Our employees are the core of our strategy. They are the women and the men who make up our Group and it is their potential and talent which create our strength and our values. We aim to ensure a responsible HR policy, day after day.

Respect for human rights
Managem makes the promotion of universally recognized rights and principles a guideline of our social responsibility policy.
Our engagement is deployed within all our subsidiaries and mainly concerns:
- Promoting the freedom to create trades unions and the right of association.
This is a sign of our involvement in sustainable development and engagement for Human and Labour rights. We undertake to promote freedom of association and recognize the right to collective bargaining. - A ban on child labour on our sites and at our subcontractors.
We ban child labour and do everything we can to eliminate all forms of forced or mandatory labour. Employing children and under-18s in all Group operations is therefore strictly prohibited, including at our subcontractors. - LPromoting equal opportunities and diversity
We promote diversity in terms of job allocation, but also in terms of career development opportunities. We aim to recruit and keep women in positions of responsibility, overcoming the pitfalls associated with the distances involved. The result of this recruitment policy is reflected by the diversity of the employees on our various sites.

Promoting human capital
We aim to create a diversified and highly qualified team, capable of providing our customers with high-quality products and services. We are attentive to training our employees and encouraging their internal mobility as well as their development in an environment of real internal cohesion.
With more than 5660 employees, Managem put together multiple training tools promoting shared excellence culture, and enhancing team expertise. It will also help anticipate future training needs in each country where the Group operates.
Thanks to a diverse training program implemented in partnership with international training organizations along with our training center Managem Academy, founded in 2009 in Marrakesh, the Group aims to grow its talents and enables then to face the challenges of today and tomorrow.