Preserving water resources and protecting biodiversity are major pillars of our environmental strategy.
We have put in place multiple actions to manage water resources in an inclusive and sustainable way. We are committed to bring solutions and concrete measures wherever our activities impact biodiversity.

Protecting water resources
Protecting water resources is a strategic focus of the environmental policies deployed at our sites. These commitments are achieved through
1. optimizing water consumption through :
- Managing and monitoring water consumption on a daily basis
- Use of non-conventional water
- recycling
- R&D to review processes and reduce water requirements
- Training and raising staff awareness of water resources
2. avoidance of pollution of local waters
3. regulatory compliance and authorizations: all use/consumption/discharge is carried out in strict compliance with current regulations and in collaboration with the relevant authorities.
4. studies on the subject, such as hydrogeological studies, are systematically carried out before, during and after mining operations.
The issue of optimal water management is integrated into the entire mine life cycle.

Protecting biodiversity
Through concrete measures, we are committed to providing solutions wherever we interact with biodiversity. We carry out fauna and flora studies to identify local flora species used in the reforestation and rehabilitation of the site, as well as potential preservation measures tailored to each natural environment.

Management of biodiversity for Bakoudou mine
During the lifetime of the Bakoudou mine in Gabon, a number of steps were taken to protect biodiversity: limitation of deforestation zones for the various access routes and the facilities; hunting ban within the mine operating permit area and collaboration with the authorities concerned to combat poaching.
Following the depletion of the reserves in the Bakoudou deposit, a responsible closure plan for the mine was launched in 2017 and supported by land rehabilitation measures. In accordance with our sustainable development commitments, redevelopment and replanting works began in 2018.
We take care to respect all environmental and societal aspects and promote local employment for this sustainable and responsible project. To do this, our reforestation work is entrusted to local cooperatives. Our reforestation campaigns respect the germination periods of each species to be planted. Our teams are accompanied by botanical and landscaping experts to guarantee optimum results.